Thursday, February 21, 2013

Camp LeJuene....... recent weeks has been using an inordinate amount of ordnance at night.  The shock waves bounce off our house in Cape Carteret  and never before have we witnessed anything resembling this.


  1. I am not worried about the American military . I pity the stupid bastard in Sodom on the Potomac who order`s these people to MURDER their own family`s for Barrack Obama .

  2. I've been hearing them about 40 miles from you lately. It's not unusual but they do seem to be very loud lately. I wonder if it's due to atmospheric conditions, direction of fire or if they have some new, big guns? A couple of strong blasts yesterday about dusk sent my little, gun shy dog running for home.

    1. All I know is that they have been going on longer and later than before. Sometimes seems like I'm driving by a 155.

  3. After 30 years I barely notice them at all anymore. When I came home through the smoke and eerie glow of a controlled burn along NC172 last night I heard the guns. Probably near Lucky's Mound. If you are getting rattled all the way over in Cape Carteret it probably has to do with weather conditions.

    1. If you are getting rattled all the way over in Cape Carteret it probably has to do with weather conditions.

      The second mention so must be I guess. I heard a thump in the next room the other day and the magazines on top of the washer were on the floor.

    2. They might have a new toy or they could be live firing from onboard ship back to the target range.

  4. Many years ago, before the days of Windows OS, I was on some Internet BBS and a professor from Duke was posting messages requesting information about folks hearing rumbling coming from the ocean. He was about to go to Wrightsville Beach and apparently had a grant to do research on under sea seismic activity. He wanted to know who had heard it. I converesed with him for a while by e-mail before I said "I just always figured that was live fire excercise from Camp Lejuene" I never got a reply. LOL. I guess he pretended he didn't get that e-mail so he wouldn't loose his grant.

    1. "I just always figured that was live fire excercise from Camp Lejuene" I never got a reply. LOL. I guess he pretended he didn't get that e-mail so he wouldn't loose his grant.

      :)! Maybe we could get one which would allow us to equip a battalion.:)

    2. It's worth a try. Anyone know how to write a grant application?

  5. Fire Mission! Sweet music to my ears.

    Seeing as I've always been on the sending and not the recieving end and I'm not at all familiar with LeJune and their ranges I had the following thoughts on this:

    Perhaps instead of the smaller and slower burning charge 4 green bag loads they are shooting the EXTREMELY HOT and MAX charge 8 red bag loads which would make a big difference. You would probably be able to hear it much further. I just don't know if they have any impact zones far enough away to shoot the max charge.

    Also, they probably have a few different impact zones in different areas of the base and perhaps they are using other ones from where they normaly shoot due to some sort of problems/issues at the routine impact areas? Or if they are shooting charge 8 they are using different impact zones further away and those impact zones are closer to you so you get the double whammy of max charges coupled with closer impact areas?

    Just some ideas.

    1. Thanks. Quiet so far tonight which is unusual. Guess scouts should be sent out.:)

    2. Looking at Google Earth and going on what I know from
      working on that base over the years it appears that the impact zone is about 10 or 12 square miles. There is a highway that runs near the beach that is closed down when they are doing live fire and traffic is diverted to a road that is about 5 miles inland at the most. The highway is a bit less than 2 miles from the beach and the outer extremes of the impact zone are about 4.5 miles from the beach. I do know that about
      15 years ago someone packed the wrong load and over shot the impact range. The round fell on the inland road and hit a car killing the wife of a Lt. Col.
      This particular range is used for tanks and guns and for fire from the ocean onto the beach I think.

      There is another, much larger area on the far side of the base with a huge tank training range but that is a good ways, maybe 25 miles or more, away from Brocks location and I suspect what he is hearing is from the first site I mentioned.

    3. Thanks and do you know what happened as the result of the wife being killed?
