Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Stand with Mohammed" Press Banned Threatened with Arrest

Via LH


  1. Hate to see this in Texas.

  2. Wow. How very kind and tolerant. Up north Canadians are calling for the War Measures Act, to expedite the process of gathering and exterminating the threat. While many here consider our Civil Liberties sacred, we also feel there's a time certain groups should be exempt of them. Can Canadians attend that PATCON event? Sure looks nifty! Awe inspiring and vastly educational site Brock, I can't thank you enough!!

    1. Thank you and they certainly can. The Spring one will be the second weekend in May and the Fall one will be the first weekend in October. Do you want to be added to the email list or just see the info when it is posted here?

  3. Are we here yet?
    Increased Muslim immigration has created more than 750 small pockets across France that essentially are countries within countries known as “No-Go Zones”. [National police have ceded control over to the inhabitants. Islamic criminal gangs have flourished, Sharia law is spreading, and observers say the process now is irreversible. Sweden has 55 No-Go Zones, while Belgium, the Netherlands, and Italy are following the same pattern.] Legal Insurrection posted 2015 Jan 10

    Surely if this happened in America there would be a Civil War, Right? But, wouldn't
    be brother against brother.

    1. wouldn't be brother against brother.

      Thanks and not this time.

  4. I know some people who were there. Those people's days are numbered. The cops? Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't marked too. That just isn't going to go over with the people. They are getting passes. For now...
