Thursday, February 12, 2015

Intel officials tight-lipped on American militant fighters back in US, admit tracking is difficult

U.S. intelligence officials declined to say Wednesday exactly how many Americans who went overseas to fight with foreign militant groups have returned to U.S. soil to pose a terror threat -- but acknowledged difficulties in identifying them and noted some have likely returned undetected.

“We know what we know, but we understand there is intelligence we don’t have,” Nicholas Rasmussen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, testified on Capitol Hill. “But it’s possible there are great numbers.”

More @ Fox


  1. Tracking is not difficult at all. They just need to insert a tracking beacon in a hand grenade and shove the grenade up the sandhole of the jihadist. They will find him all over.

  2. well just maybe, just maybe if the TPTB, and their room temperature IQ'd flunkies would spend their limited time, money and man power and actually profile those most likely to become jihadist, rather than harassing every one lest they be called a racist, they might find them and know who they are, where they are and what evil they are up to. Oh I'm sorry...I'm making too much sense. If you can not find the jihadist, then what is the point of paying you? Here is a hint for the intelligence folk, your average Christian does NOT go out and scream "Allah Ackbar" before he kills people. Safe bet too, if he is a white, and wears either the Stars and Stripes or has the Stars and Bars on him, he is NOT a muslim jihadie. Also safe bet too, the number of jihadies belonging to the NRA is some where around zero. There, I just made your job easier.

    1. There, I just made your job easier.

      If they can comprehend the King's English. :)
