Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Left’s Deranged Hatred of Allen West

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"On the list of things that make progressives gnash their teeth and foam at their mouths, little tops an African-American of the conservative persuasion. Even more horrifying to the Left is one who makes clear: “you’re not going to intimidate me,” as Congressman Allen West (R-FL) said at a Tuesday night town hall meeting where leftists, including former Air America host Nicole Sandler (who was later arrested), tried to disrupt the event. From his successful 2010 congressional campaign through today, Congressman Allen West remains unfazed by such tactics. As a result, the attacks against him by the American Left continue."


  1. Yep, the liberal mind sees racism in everything. Mill Maher is a classic example. He's saying pretty much any objection to Obama is based in racism. He has a lot influence and if we run the "Regular RICH White guy" that's all we're going to hear until Obama's re-elected on top of that, if Obama loses the meme will be "We're still a racist nation". The argument continues. Instead of Obama's birth cert. or his schooling or his social sec. We need to discuss the issues. We need to stay on Obama's policies that are ruining our nation. Allen West would keep the issue in the forefront and all the race baiters would have STFU.

  2. I meant BILL Maher. The idiot on HBO.. that's one guy I'd pay good money to run into in a dark alley.

  3. What the left doesn't think about is LTC West did what he had to do to protect his soldiers while downrange ignoring the trouble it would cause with the perfumed princes in the command.

    With the use of the Guard and Reserves in these wars the support of the troops does ring true down to the hometown level, and all those soldiers have family and friends. With the a numbers deployed of the last 10 years almost everybody knows some body who has been over to the middle east.

    Those soldiers know the risk and courage it took to do the right thing that LTC West did and I suspect the military-Veteran voting block will be very large if he were to run for higher office.

    Bottom line LTC West lives the code, Duty, Honor, Country. That scares the left they have lived under the freedom and protections provided by men like LTC West and others all the while looking down at them with contempt, however OUR time is coming, the silent majority isn't so silent anymore.

  4. The idiot on HBO.. that's one guy I'd pay good money to run into in a dark alley.

    With the numbers deployed over the last 10 years almost everybody knows some body who has been over to the middle east.

    I hadn't thought of that for some reason.

    Those soldiers know the risk and courage it took to do the right thing

    What he did was nothing. The liberals would pee all over themselves if interrogations were now handled like they were in Vietnam.

  5. Make room Sarah- you're not living alone rent free in their heads anymore!
