People, this story MUST be kept on the front burner, especially if you have family deployed, if not, then they too could be ignored and allowed to die in some foreign country on an illegal "political" operation.
Imagine your loved one on a rooftop in a hostile country lasing a hostile target for fire support that will never come, lasing the target and repeatedly requesting fire support while Obama, the DoD, the NSA, the NSC, the CIA, and others, watched in real time from two separate drones... They lase the the target until the bad guys see the Americans position and bring mortar and machine-gun fire down on them. All while others watched and denied life saving relief.
I urge you to take action, let your Reps know you are watching them, that you want people held accountable. Then pass on to family and friends, this miscarriage of justice must not be allowed to stand.
Should you wish, take and modify the following letter as needed.
Letter I just sent to my Reps:
You all KNOW what went on with the Benghazi CIA Operations Center, you all KNOW four Americans were murdered by the Obama Administration’s incompetence, you KNOW a massive cover-up is ongoing… YOU KNOW IT!
And by god you had better get off your asses and do something about it, not the B.S. window dressing you have going on right now. Rice is a distraction; But you already KNOW that.
Many people are taking note of this fiasco, including active and “retired” military members. We are DEMANDING action, should you not immediately begin serious investigations then those men’s deaths are also on YOUR hands.
Any involved in this cover-up, and any who continue to hold up these investigations, need serious prison time, including complicit and/or incompetent politicians.
Four Americans were left to die when assets were available to assist them, and I find it disgusting that you continue this charade, do what is right and do it NOW or reap the whirlwind.
CC Saxby Chambliss
CC Johnny Isakson
CC Phil Gingrey
Contact White House: http://www.whitehouse.gov/
Contact U.S. Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/
Contact U.S. Representative: http://writerep.house.gov/
Read more: http://alarmandmuster.
More background on the Benghazi 'Fast and Furious' operation, where weapons and support were being funneled to KNOWN Terrorists:
Benghazi explained: Interview with an "Intelligence Insider"
It was not a diplomatic station. It was a planning and operations center, a logistics hub for weapons and arms being funneled out of Libya.
Stated very well I thought.