Thursday, December 30, 2021

I Submit For Your Consideration

 Via Joe

Joe Martin's Ghost

We now come to the close of the second year of what I like to call "The Great Pandemonium." (TGP) A year marked particularly by irrational behavior brought about by irrational and, more often than not, contradictory public policy as a reaction to, again what I like to call the "Sino-Lung-Rot." (SLR)

But there's this question that is increasing nagging me. As the "Social-Fascists" (Stalin's term not mine) ramp up their hate campaign against the unvaccinated it's rational becomes less tenable by the day. (Seriously legislation was proposed in New York to confine the unvaccinated to camps.) 

Consider the following.

1. After two years the unvaccinated are just that unvaccinated and to this point for all intents and purposes healthy. They can be broken down as follows.

(a) The infected and recovered with natural immunity. (b) The "New Hermit Class"(NHC) that cowers in their basement and have everything delivered. (c) Those who were never susceptible to the SLR in the first place.

2. Even the CDC and the "poisonous dwarf" (Hitler's staff's unspoken nickname for Dr. Goebbels) Fauci admit that the vaccines don't prevent either infection or retransmission of the virus. In spite of this painful exercise in cognitive dissonance we are told "but they are milder infections". Excuse me but isn't the survival rate for those under 80 something like 99.93% And the younger you are the higher the survival rate.

3. Increasing the numbers of active cases of the newest attenuation of the virus in many areas contain more vaccinated than unvaccinated.

I can only conclude then with questions. Why then should the unvaccinated be considered as some lurking, "Typhoid Mary" like repository of pestilence and death? Isn't the vaccinated that are the victims here? Especially given that they remain just as suspectable to infection and unwitting vectors of spreading the infection to others? Isn't that the definition of what the infamous Typhoid Mary was?

Science has never been advanced by a one size fits all, not decent or contrary opinion allowed approach, never. Scientific progress only comes through open, honest debate and most importantly experimentation that explores alternative possible explanation and solutions to problems. The likes of Fauci and the leftist medical and political mafia are no different than the Papacy that "cancelled" and imprisoned the likes of Galileo and Tycho because their theories (based on actual observation and rigorous calculation) exposed the fallacy of the Aristotelian universe.

Unless and until we reject the idea that the scientific and medical universe revolves around the so-called experts like Fauci et al there are dark days ahead.


  1. This has got to stop. I'm talking about the criticism based upon them not adhering to real science. Stop expecting them to adhere to scientific method or principals thereof; this entire bamboozle was never founded upon science. It has beed purely political since the beginning. Just because they ramble on about science this, science thar should not conjure the expectation that it is anything to do with science.

    They have created an illusion which has played to the perception of anyone who had thought or, especially, those who still cling to the perception that the perpetrators do practice science although wrongly.

    To reiterate, this scheme has nothing to do with science. It is the art of the manufacured lie. And you're hooked into it by believing and hoping 'if they would only turn back to science/the truth/admit their errors. Stop it!

    They have made no such error. Sure, there have been mistakes but not as you think. Their error ia they have lost the chance to hoodwink all the people.

    (Perhaps their greatest error was to think they could. Yet why wouldn't they, have you looked at society lately? How wayward must we get.)

    However, the single greatest error is of those who have thought the perps have simply strayed, therefore let us show them their error. Again, they have made no such error.
    It is the bonehead who thinks good fruit can be gotten from the corrupt tree. Worse, such thinking marks one as a cultural illiterate patsy.

    If you haven't already, from this day forward you will mark them. They are the brutes who seek to subjugate you in every facet of your life. They have set out to destroy all you hold dear and you hold the knife to your own neck as long as you continue to buy the fantasy of their creation. This has to stop.

  2. God Bless you Rick.
    Nailed it.
    This is Orwell writ large. The perversion of language and marking of the 'intellectual battlespace', kills us every time - you get sucked into a non-sensical debate about the effectiveness of a mitigation strategy instead of arguing that the atrategy isn't needed in the first place!!!
    Thats right, argue about masks in public, not whether they're needed at all.
    Argue about 'the current definition of vaccinated' instead of the disturbing fact that they do not work as a 'vaccine' in the first place (see how they did that there?).. the jab isn't a vaccine, its mRNA gene therapy adopted from cancer treatments, but you use their word when arguing about it don't you? Guess who's NOT going to win that debate?
    THAT was what Orwell warned us about. Dissent becomes impossible if the language to express it does not exist!
