Thursday, December 30, 2021

Southern Patriotism and Foreign Military Interventions


Is it un-patriotic for Southerners to question American military intervention? This is a perplexing question for those raised during the Cold War. For us, it was a battle to defeat atheistic communism—an evil power attempting to force its will upon the world. We were raised and educated by the World War II generation for whom patriotism was intricately linked to America’s military power. “America! Love it or leave it,” was our motto. But is Cold War “patriotism” appropriate today?

More @ The Abbeville Institute


  1. We are all in the midst of a great history lesson. For it is times like this, that our founding fathers chose to use the line: Enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC.

    We are at that stage. Here it is. This is not conjecture and hyperbole anymore. Americans must brace themselves for what will unfold. You may chose to participate or not, but I know which side I will be on. Woe be to those opposed. Its gonna hurt, but only for a minute.
