Monday, October 22, 2012

Art Robinson Sues DeFazio for $1 million More than 30,000 Oregon Voters Misled By DeFazio Illegal Billboards


In recent weeks, Oregon voters have seen an innovative Art Robinson sign campaign along the highways, roads, and city streets. Instead of advertising just the name of the candidate, Robinson volunteers have been putting up thousands of signs that advertise Art’s policies – the things that he will work to accomplish if elected to Congress. Since these signs are also made by volunteers, they are very inexpensive to post. (There are 35 different versions of the signs with different issues, which can also be viewed at The costs of materials for the signs have been paid by individual campaign donors. Art has no corporate campaign support.

Now, just before voting began (Oregon mail-in ballots have now been mailed to voters), a new, very expensive campaign has been launched on commercial billboards along Oregon highways and roads by Art’s opponent Peter DeFazio. These billboards say nothing about DeFazio or his policies. Actually, the very fact that DeFazio put them up is being concealed.

The DeFazio billboards feature Art Robinson’s picture, name, and text falsely suggesting that Art will work to close the public schools, stop social security payments, and stop federal student aid to college students. Art is pictured advertising these things. Many motorists who read these signs know that these are not Art’s policies, but polls show that 33% of motorists who read the signs believe that they were put up by Art, the candidate pictured on the sign, to promote his actual policies. Predictably, the signs make them less likely to vote for Art.

A poll taken by the Robinson campaign shows that, already, there are more than 30,000 Oregon voters who have been deceived into believing that Art put up these DeFazio billboards (33% of the approximately 100,000 who have seen the signs, with a margin of error giving a 99% probability that the number is greater than 25,000), far more than necessary to decide the election. At least an additional 20,000 voters are unsure who put these billboards up. And, these numbers are growing daily.


  1. I saw one of these billboards last week around Roseburg. One side of the board said something like, "Art Robinson wants to close public schools". I thought, "right on" and then realized it was likely an attack ad against him. The other side of the board had the bit about phasing out social security.

    Along the 120 or so mile stretch of interstate that covers the 4th district, I saw two whole signs for DeFazio last week. Both closer to his base in Eugene. That said, I think its going to be a DeFazio win, close but Eugene will carry him.

  2. I think its going to be a DeFazio win, close but Eugene will carry him.

    Like last time, but maybe the good Doctor will pull it off next time.
