The revelations about the corruption and abuses of power within in the Obama administration has shown one thing very clearly…Obama has not taken care that the laws of the United States be faithfully executed.
Simple math will show that Obama will not be impeached and convicted. In fact trying to do so is folly. He will become a martyr to the left and his ultimate acquittal will only vindicate his history of abuse.
What can be done however is a full stop, nothing passes, nothing moves from the House of Representatives until substantive progress is made on rooting out the malefactors who have turned the executive branch into a hyper-partisan, unaccountable, enforcement arm of the Democratic Party.
Yes, elections have consequences and Democrats have every right to guide policies to their liking, they have no right to use the power of government to impede the legal political activities of opponents or do enforce laws in ways that give their political allies an advantage.
We’ve rightly heard over the last 3 plus years that the House alone is insufficient to move forward any entitlement reforms that could possibly pass. It is insufficient to repeal of ObamaCare. The House alone cannot do any of the things conservatives would like to see happen while the Democrats control the Senate and the White House.
What we’ve also been told however is that the House can stop new bad things from happen. Now is the time to exercise that power.
This is a partial list of what I think must be cleared up before the GOP passes any more legislation:
More @ Ace Of Spades
soetoro-obama usurped the highest law in the land....the United States Constitution. Specifically, Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 which says the POTUS must be a natural-born citizen. soetoro-obama is the furthest thing from "natural-born". His father was a British subject....Kenyan. His mother ? Well, there is no actual, unquestionable proof that the white woman soetoro-obama claims was his mother, was actually his mother. Also, his paternal grandmother, living in Kenya, has stated that soetoro-obama was born in Kenya. Further, the bastard (literally)went to school in Indonesia with his step-father. Only Indonesian citizens were allowed to partake of the school system there; Americans were not allowed to live in the country. Thus, soetoro-obama had to renounce American citizens.
ReplyDeleteBottom line is soetoro-obama is a criminal. Hell, can't call him a traitor as he is not an American citizen. So,all these assholes wringing their hands at how to deal with this criminal soetoro-obama....well, a federal marshall with an arrest warrant would work, for starters.
The scumbag deserves a jail cell in Leavenworth or a noose around his neck.
The scumbag deserves a jail cell in Leavenworth or a noose around his neck.
DeleteJust resigning would make me happy.
"Just resigning would make me happy" Not me. I believe in punishment. Look at this scumbag Weiner in NYC. He resigned from Congress. Now where is he ? Getting ready to run for NYC mayor !
Delete"Just resigning would make me happy" The severest of penalties on soetoro-obama along with all his traitorous henchmen/women...that would make me happy.
Look at this scumbag Weiner in NYC. He resigned from Congress. Now where is he ? Getting ready to run for NYC mayor !
DeleteAlmost comical.