Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Duke University Students Pray to ‘Great Queer One’ During Worship Service

 Via John


  1. So proud to have gone to school there. /

  2. I thought she might be more comfortable with the "Great Fat One." What a slore! I looked around to see satan symbols and displays. The audience, yes audience sure looked like worshipers of the dark one.

  3. Good God.... we are so fucked. Not (only) for what shadapodamous was saying, but that the drones just stood there accepting it.
    Step into the Holy One's fire?
    Lift your hands in the air and dance in what was is most free for you?

    Yup, sounds like satan to me!
    Shameful that the devil wears The Lords banner to deceive people. They simply aren't bright enough to know whats happening to them. They are sheep being led astray.

  4. A church service for sodomites.
    Now I've seen everything.
