Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Two Comments on A Red Wave? So What?


A Red Wave? So What?

BigCountry discusses the destruction of Dresden by allied bombing.
He suggests the Dresden area was a refugee center, a safe place for the 'displaced'.
Apparently, the allies waited until about 700,000 refugees joined the 500,000 residents...
...then turned the place to unlivable rubble.
The American propaganda machine claims ** only ** 21,000 civilian non-combatants perished.
Could their assessment be in error by a factor of 7,000% (seven thousand percent)?
My 'presentism' is offended by:
a -- the loss of life
b -- targeting non-combatant civilians and their civilization
c -- targeting a refugee zone
d-- timing the atrocities for the maximum deaths of refugees.
Again, I strongly recommend the book SUPERMOB by Russo.
Can you imagine everything you know is wrong.
Every. Single. Time.

Great text, and his follow up A RENEGADE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, put a spotlight on the legal syndicate among many other underhanded organizations.


  1. Once read a NY times op ed
    Going by memory:
    "I'm not trying to defend a fellow jew" to start
    Then goes on to dismiss 400pages because it targeted Ronald Regen for two, maybe four pages. A woman's testimony to being taken adv of 'hollywood style'.
    Thirty to forty pages on how the mob would threaten Sammy Davis Jr. Force marriage, threats to put his good eye out, just thing you don't want to repeat.
    But NO, according to the fellow Cohen at NYT 'the entire book is nonsense.'
    Mandy Cohen is NC health Zar. Fellow alum to Anthony Fauci, same BA degree if I'm not mistaken.
