Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Red Wave? So What?


There is a vast political swell among some ill-informed conservatives that the great mid-term elections will come and a tide of goodness (spelled R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N) will sweep over the grand land, often puerilely referred to as “American exceptionalism,” for everyone.

Everyone but conservatives, however. Yes, that’s what I meant.  Conservatives are republicans. Republicans are Republicans. They aren’t goodness or even good. They love lobbyists and their wars and printed money as much as their “loyal” opposition loves it. Conservatives are the few. Republicans and Democrats are the many.

They both live politically on the blood lust of “presentism” –look it up—but don’t reach for public teachers in any educational offering for it. Without it, the past is not, indeed, prologue.


More @ The Abbeville Institute


  1. BigCountry discusses the destruction of Dresden by allied bombing.
    He suggests the Dresden area was a refugee center, a safe place for the 'displaced'.
    Apparently, the allies waited until about 700,000 refugees joined the 500,000 residents...
    ...then turned the place to unlivable rubble.
    The American propaganda machine claims ** only ** 21,000 civilian non-combatants perished.
    Could their assessment be in error by a factor of 7,000% (seven thousand percent)?
    My 'presentism' is offended by:
    a -- the loss of life
    b -- targeting non-combatant civilians and their civilization
    c -- targeting a refugee zone
    d-- timing the atrocities for the maximum deaths of refugees.
    Again, I strongly recommend the book SUPERMOB by Russo.
    Can you imagine everything you know is wrong.
    Every. Single. Time.

    1. Great text, and his follow up A RENEGADE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, put a spotlight on the legal syndicate among many other underhanded organizations.

    2. Thanks.https://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2022/04/to-comments-on-red-wave-so-what.html

    3. Lisa
