Saturday, September 20, 2014

Seven Minutes in September

Via comment by Anonymous on Taco Bell Forced to Close During Afternoons Becaus...

It just does not stop: On Thursday afternoon, I received seven emails in seven minutes, detailing dozens of cases of recent black mob violence all around the country. Many on video.

Let’s take a tour of seven minutes in September, starting in Cincinnati. A bus full of black students beat two sisters, on video, on the way home from school. A few days before that, another bus full of black people beat, then robbed a white man after a Labor Day party. Then they stole a bike. All the time laughing. All of it on high-definition video.

And every story, every YouTube video produces at least one person to say ‘oh yeah, that has been happening here a lot.’     

How about Dayton:


  1. It's almost hunting time. Where there will be no limits.

    1. Unfortunately this is most likely true. I say unfortunately because there are some good black folks out there that want nothing to do with this lifestyle. I have known and worked with and for many, both in the military and civilian life. If this comes about, the color of your skin will be your uniform of the day and it will be impossible to distinguish good from bad especially at long distance.

      Somewhere behind enemy lines,
      Peoples Republik of Kommiefornia

    2. Yes, the country blacks around here are mostly conservative. Country is the key of course.

  2. It is simple. Blacks are tribal. They are incapable of forming, growing and maintaining any form of civilization that resembles western civilization. Name one county in the world runs by blacks that you would live in? Exactly, there are none. The only place they have prospered long term is America because historically they were not in charge of anything just like South Africa before they took over politically. I was there during apartheid and after. Their standard of living has decreased and most of them will tell you that (except for the few in political power that amass riches by corruption). Now, look at America in the major cities and urban areas where they have gotten political control. They all look like Liberia. As their numbers grow, so will the problems they cause. My suggestion is buy ammo and get proficient with a gun to protect yourself.

  3. I wonder if people had this same mentality when the Gestapo were running around?

