Monday, October 27, 2014

Goodies from Ol' Remus

1937. Tipler Wisconsin school room
Tipler [art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif photo] is a hamlet of 205 on the north border of Wisconsin [art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gifmap]. This school, or perhaps its replacement, "consisted of 4 classrooms and a good sized gymnasium. When I started school there, we had 4 teachers, but it had shrunk to two teachers, each of whom taught 4 grades, by the time I completed 8th grade in 1946 art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif." It no longer exists.

Translation - A Russian immigrant once asked me “What is IRS?” I told him it’s like the KGB, but the KGB is merciful and will shoot you in the back of the head. The IRS will torment you until you kill yourself.
KG at

Homos - I'll tell you, they make it so hard to keep up with their ever-swelling definition of what constitutes “hate,” it's hard not to hate them.
Jim Goad at 

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg The Derb as an optimist
The end of white ethnomasochism. The pathetic willingness to drop trou and bend over for bullying agitators from other ethnies, may be receding. There are signs. Without white ethnomasochism the whole diversity racket collapses. No more staffing up police and fire departments with incompetents and crooks so the quota numbers come out right; no more wafting of magic negroes into high office on thermals of sentimental guilt; no more front-page sob stories in the New York Times about illiterate Guatemalan welfare moochers “seeking a better life”; no more tolerance of black mobs looting stores to protest imaginary wrongs. If whites stop hating themselves, it all goes away, says John Derbyshire in this article, The Optimistic Column, at Taki's Magazine.

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Common Core math
Two huge forces are converging on American students. On the one side, they won’t be taught to do math in any thorough or efficient way. On the other side, they will be virtually ordered to seek wrong answers, or at least be comfortable with them. Some kids who have great innate math ability will survive and be able to do mathematics. But everybody else will be math-phobic, math-ignorant, or math-helpless. You will learn to avoid answer-getting and become comfortable with truth-hating, says Bruce Price in this article, Math is on life support. Can we save it?, at American Thinker.

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Watch what happened when food critics were unknowingly served McDonald's, by Antonia Molloy at The Independent

art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Watch what happened when food critics were unknowingly served McDonald's, by Antonia Molloy at The Independent

The eternal rube - Human Rights Watch notes that taxpayers actually pay three times for officers who repeatedly commit abuses: “once to cover their salaries while they commit abuses; next to pay settlements or civil jury awards against officers; and a third time through payments into police ‘defense' funds provided by the cities.”
John Whitehead at 

On being not black enough - For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person. And it’s a dirty, dark secret. There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don’t have success. It’s best to knock a successful black person down because they’re intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they’re successful. We’re the only ethnic group who say, ‘Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.’ It’s just typical BS that goes on when you’re black, man.
Charles Barkley, at Afternoons with Anthony Gargano and Rob Ellis, via Alex Griswold at


  1. Sadly, Ol' Remus has announced that he will be shutting down in the very near future.



    1. Yes and I immediately send him an email with "Say it isn't so". Maybe we can bug him enough to to keep him going. :) He could easily charge for his weekly piece.
