Monday, October 27, 2014

UN Resolution 2117 Voted Down (OLD)

Via LH

DATED and thanks to Anonymous.

The U.N. Resolution 2117 lists 21 points dealing with firearms control, but perhaps of most interest is point  number 11. It: “CALLS FOR MEMBER STATES TO SUPPORT WEAPONS COLLECTION and DISARMAMENT of all UN countries”.

By a 53-46 vote – The U.S. Senate voted against the U.N. resolution.  HOORAY!

This is that brief, glorious moment in history when everyone stands around…reloading. 

Now, Which 46 Senators Voted to Destroy Us? Well, let their names become known ! See below .. If you vote in one of the states listed with these 46  “legislators” vote against them.


  1. Actually the vote ought to have been 100-0. But it is still a win. So let us thank God that this was voted down. Let us repent and pray, for His blessing to keep us bearing arms.

  2. This looked odd to me so I did some fact checking. I believe this vote took place but it seems to have been in the spring of 2013. Not very current, but am I missing something? Certainly I support this vote but is there more to the story?

    1. No, it was listed "Posted on October 26, 2014" and I didn't check further. Thanks for letting me know. On a search I came up with many dates and I guess it is one of those which keeps going around. Sorry.

    2. Hi Brock... Not a problem! The truth is there and since I live in the state of New York, both of my senators are among the guilty. I would be very pleased to be rid of Senator Schumer at the very least - along with Governor Cuomo. The question as always is who would take their places? Thanks again for your excellent site which I read and follow on a daily basis...

    3. Thanks for the kind words and trying to get rid of your two. :)

  3. The thrust of the matter is that we are in an election cycle and will be voting in a few days. While the article is old, the votes cast by traitor senators will stay with them forever. Look to see if there is a traitor in your AO running this tern and at least vote against him/her.

    If you are okay with who is running in your election look for someone who might need help who is running against one of these anti-constitutionalists, money, phone bank, anything that will help.

    A key thing to remember in any election cycle even if it is NOT in your area is that while you may not be able to vote for someone outside your area...any vote he/she casts in the big picture of things affects YOU regardless of where you live, so helping a pro Constitution candidate not in your State or district will not be an effort taken in vain.

    Somewhere behind enemy lines,
    Peoples Republik of Kommiefornia

    1. helping a pro Constitution candidate not in your State or district will not be an effort taken in vain.

      Yes, Sir.

  4. Of course what difference does it make? Since Congress does not have clue as what it's proscribed powers are. They are willing to let antichrist Obama do want ever he want without a peep from Congress. What we have is a de-facto dictatorhip: he issues an exectutive order and Congress acts as if the illegal was law of the land.

    1. he issues an exectutive order and Congress acts as if the illegal was law of the land.


  5. Landrieu is going down in Louisiana! and it's about dang time!
    All Treasonous Traitors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
