Friday, April 3, 2015

Why Are Asian Kids Exceedingly So Spectacularly? Race Discrimination, Against Them, Is Coming To Fairfax County.

Via comment by Anonymous on 11 Atlanta educators found guilty in test cheating...

 Diversity — or Meritocracy?

A voracious and eclectic reader, President Nixon instructed me to send him every few weeks 10 articles he would not normally see that were on interesting or important issues.

In 1971, I sent him an essay from The Atlantic, with reviews by Time and Newsweek, by Dr. Richard Herrnstein. My summary read:

“Basically, (Herrnstein) demonstrates that heredity, rather than environment, determines intelligence — and that the more we proceed to provide everyone with a ‘good environment’ the more heredity will become the dominant factor … in their success and social standing.”

In a 1994 obituary, The New York Times wrote that Herrnstein, though he “was often harassed … and his classes at Harvard were disrupted,” never recanted his heresy. He wrote “I.Q. and Meritocracy” in 1973, and in 1994 co-authored with Charles Murray the hugely controversial “The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life.”


  1. Isn't that something. Use to be the best of the best was nurtured.
    Every school that the mindless have done this to has been a disaster.
    The country then suffers because your left with incompetents who
    are delusional.

    1. incompetents who are delusional.

      & we have them everywhere from the government who no longer requires the Civil Service Examination to the very teachers in publix skool.
