Monday, May 18, 2015

Admiral: Russia Blackmailed Bill Clinton Over Lewinsky

Via Jonathan


At the Iowa National Security Action Summit on Saturday, co-hosted by the Center for Security Policy and the Family Leader Foundation, Admiral James “Ace” Lyons (U.S. Navy, Ret.) -- a four-star admiral and former Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Senior U.S. Military Representative to the United Nations, and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations -- was speaking in the context of Hillary Clinton’s infamous e-mails when he made the following statement about Russia potentially blackmailing Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky: 


  1. I don't doubt that slick Willie was pressured over the Lewinsky issue by Russia and others. However his ego is such that he may have just blown off the threat of blackmail believing he was untouchable....and events of the time would seem to support he was made of Teflon. The Clinton's are not the type you can blackmail....they are the type that blackmail others. To get the Clinton's to do what you want the bar, while not low is If you have the price they are always for sale. The Chinese learned this early and bought a lot of state secrets while Clinton was in office, many of them technology related. So I doubt he was blackmailed.....bought yes....but there is no profit to be had by allowing yourself to be blackmailed so I doubt it worked.

    1. bought yes....but there is no profit to be had by allowing yourself to be blackmailed so I doubt it worked.

      Doubt if we will ever know conclusively.
