Monday, May 18, 2015

Confederate flags return to Alabama cemetery

Via Billy

More than a week after several Confederate flags were removed from a small Union Springs cemetery, more have returned.

The Alabama Division of the Defenders of the Confederate Cross is also planning to flag the Confederate cemetery located behind the Red Door Theater in downtown Union Springs and rally on June 19-20, according to the group's Facebook page.

It's unclear who placed about 10 Confederate flags back in the city-owned cemetery.

More @ AL


  1. Hopefully Penn will be charged with theft; theft is still unlawful isn't it.
    When I think of all the atrocities committed under the Union Flag by a
    bunch of villains who use the American Flag as a propaganda tool to
    illicit a positive response when needed, I am shamed. The Confederate Flag
    is part of American history, culture, and heritage. Penn should leave the country.

    1. Yes and he said he turned them in to the police department, so it wasn't stealing. Depend on what the definition of is, is...........

  2. Penn took the Confederate Flag's from private property. Just because he turned the
    Confederate Flags into the police dept. does not mean he did not initially steal the
    flags - it is after the fact. If I escape from a mental institution and then turn myself
    in, I still escaped which will become part of my medical records. LOL
    Anyways, some Confederate Flag history:
    There is a brief piece of Mel Gibson in the film 'Braveheart' in one of the videos. This
    was the end of the movie. It was a great 'freedom' movie with a lot of passion.

    1. Thanks and the best on Confederate Flags is The Flags of the Confederacy by Devereaux D Cannon Jr.

  3. Thanks. Will be going to site momentarily.

    1. Congratulations and please let us know. Thanks.
