Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Mouse of a Man

Barack Obama recently wrote, or rather, dictated an article for The Economist in which were several phony graphs and self-serving statements, the likes of which are just outrageous. (I did not link the article, because if The Economist wants to publish this garbage and you want to read it I have given you enough information to find it.) Of those outrageous statements, this is one: Last year, American households enjoyed the largest income gains on record and the poverty rate fell faster than at any point since the 1960s. Or, this one: [economic] Expectations rise faster than governments can deliver and a pervasive sense of injustice undermines peoples’ faith in the system. Without trust, capitalism and markets cannot continue to deliver the gains they have delivered in the past centuries. In one, he outright lies; in the other he makes the suggestion that government is there to deliver economic expectations and lays the blame for his failures to any significant economic gain on lack of trust in the system.

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