Friday, March 23, 2018

Why We March I

My Shy Friend John :)


    Dear Josh.....

    Fuck you, Asshole

    Have your march tomorrow then go back to your sleazy gun-grabbing ways,

    You want my guns?  Come and get them yourself.......and I'm not "joshing."


    Now, remove me from your list post haste.

Image result for csgv

Dear John,

Tomorrow, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) staff will be marching across the country at the March For Our Lives. We will be marching as partners, parents, siblings, children, and survivors.

As you may know, two members of our staff, Christian Heyne and Lori Haas, have been directly affected by gun violence. Christian’s mother was shot and killed in California by a man who never should have been allowed to have a firearm. Lori’s daughter was shot at Virginia Tech by a student whose disqualifying record should have been in the background check system. CSGV believes in a future free from gun violence, one where families like Christian’s and Lori’s are no longer ripped apart by gun violence.

We hope you will join the millions of Americans showing their support for gun violence prevention either here in Washington, DC or your local community.

Thank you for your continued support. Together, we can stop gun violence in all its forms.


Josh Horwitz
Executive Director
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence