Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Thus Spake Zorg

The Irish Brigade


Under *an excellent article by Catholic World Report, a post by “Zorg” was penned on the WBTS.:

Very good article, except I have to quibble over the word “cause.” “To insist that the only cause of the war was slavery—and it was a cause of the war—obscures a number of things.” I understand that you mean it was an historical factor, but a *cause* of the *war* it was not. Yes, we habitually speak this way, but it’s not helpful. It’s too much of a propaganda term as it implies inevitability and some sort of quasi-physical “historical process” or whatever. Human beings are exceedingly prone to rationalize war rather easily, so the words used are very important.

War-making is not a matter of physics, but of choice. Human beings with free will directly cause war as it is organized violence. It was Lincoln who decided to make war on the states after they seceded, and because they seceded. His stated goal for making war was to preserve the Union (even at the expense of the slaves if necessary). If Lincoln did not make war against them for seceding, then there would have been no war.

Don't skip this: *an excellent article


  1. The CSA fired the first shots at Ft. Sumter. That is an act of war.

    1. Ft. Sumter: No Federal Right To Occupy

      Deception Leads To War On April 12th

      Major Anderson Inaugurates War

      Lincoln's "First Shot" Strategy at Fort Sumter

      Lincoln Inaugurates War Against South Carolina++

      Lincoln Launches His War Against the Confederacy

      Lincoln Instigated The Firing On Ft. Sumter - Quotes
