Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Two Very Different Cultures

Confederate Colonel



What leads one part of a society to destroy while another part of society cleans up the mess and rebuilds? What kind of monster have we, as a Western society, created?

While there is no doubt that the London riots began as yet another race riot triggered by the police shooting of a known criminal and gang member, it quickly morphed into something much more sinister – a crime spree with no pretense of “social issues”. The looters included a large number of the English (the English are, by definition, White). Racial conflict was the spark, but a massive cultural change over the last 60 years is at the heart of the problem.

The remnant of civilized culture is seen in the second photo – hundreds, if not thousands, of English men and women armed with brooms, preparing to clean up yet another mess made by the spoiled brats created by a far-left socialist system.

These rioters had absolutely no claim to any sort of political injustice. Their only claim to legitimacy was one that they would never admit to – that they were told by society that they deserved a high standard of consumption without the need for any effort on their part. They were taught by society and by government that they were entitled to everything and required to do nothing.

Entitlement is dependence, and dependence means power for those who control the distribution of those “entitlements”. We have allowed a political system to evolve that combines the characteristics of a dictatorship with the illusion of freedom. How so? We have elected leaders who promise to “give” us goodies (always paid for by “someone else”) as long as we continue to vote them into office – just as the tyrant rewards his cronies with that which was forcibly taken from the productive people. We have knowingly voted those people into office, so we fool ourselves into thinking that we are free.

This same fuse has already been lit here in America, and I fear it is too late to stop it. If we are to have any hope of extinguishing that fuse before it detonates, then we must take action now. No one is entitled to anything more than the basic God-given freedoms that are enumerated in our Bill of Rights – as originally written, not as amplified and expanded by power-hungry judges wanting to write law rather than interpret law.

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