King Barry the Waster, has his “gun ban list.” As evidenced in HR 1022 which was proposed in 2007, the Liberals are bent on disarming US citizens. What many citizens and legislators do not understand is that the federal government has no right to prevent any law-abiding citizen from owning or possessing ANY firearm. The Constitution and its history is unequivocally clear on this! Here is a little 2nd Amendment for Dummies and Tyrants.
Everything we need to know was explained by our founders in the years 1787-1788. Lesson one comes from George Mason. George Mason, along with James Madison, is referred to as the “Father of the Bill of Rights.” Seems to me a good person to listen to when it comes to any portion of the Bill of Rights is someone who is referred to as its “Father.” Mason first explains the REASON we are to bear arms, and guess what; it has nothing to do with hunting and skeet shooting…or fighting muggers!
“Forty years ago, when the resolution ofenslaving America was formed in Great Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, (Sir William Keith) who was governor of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly, but weaken them, and let them sink gradually, by totally disusing and neglecting the militia. [Here Mr. Mason quoted sundry passages to this effect.] Why should we not provide against the danger of having our militia, our real and natural strength, destroyed? The general government ought, at the same time, to have some such power. But we need not give them power to abolish our militia.”
--George Mason, Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 14, 1788
More @ KrisAnne Hall
My 7g-grandfather was George "the Jacobite" Marjoribanks, born about 1690 in Scotland and a participant in the Second Jacobite Rebellion of about 1735.
ReplyDeleteHe was captured by the British, put in chains, his property confiscated by the government, and shipped to the colonies as a slave (indentured servant is a PC term applied much later.) In 1735 there were many white slaves. I don't know what weapons he carried in the rebellion but I know that I spent many great days as a boy lugging another grandfather's single-shot Sears Ranger ($6 new) .22 rifle around the rugged Madison county farms of the sons of Rebecca Malinda Marchbanks, all surnamed DeBruhl. My ten year old grandson now owns that rifle and shoots it in Washington State as responsibly as I did. I, who killed nothing with it on innumerable hunting trips.
Anyone who thinks I would sell my self and my grandson into the chains and slavery that my honored grandfather escaped, before his death in 1740, by giving up the firearm ownership bequeathed to me by a long line of better men than I is a fool.
This article reminds me that I am a proud native of North Carolina who was lucky enough to marry a Virginia Belle in 1957 and become an adopted Virginian. How much we owe those Virginia Founders.
You got another keeper here.:)