Monday, August 6, 2018

The Death of Historical Accuracy


In case you haven’t heard, there is a new “conservative” film out; it is titled “Death of a Nation: Can We Save America a Second Time?”

It’s director and screenwriter is Dinesh D’Souza, the somewhat pompous, word-measuring figure who occasionally shows up on Fox to talk in pious tones about “conservatism.” He is the movie producer who, by his own admission, has done as much as anyone to shape (in an almost ahistorical manner) perceptions about American history and the Founding Principles that have supposedly guided this country.  And, in his latest cinematic adventure he stunningly compares the “triumph of America and its values” under that “great president and martyr” Abraham Lincoln to the crisis facing President Donald Trump. Like Lincoln, Trump is saving America “for a second time.”

Here is the film’s official blurb from D’Souza’s web site:


  1. Ugh. It's not history, it's hagiography (as is everything about "Honest" Abe these days).

    BTW, not sure if you've seen this, but you might be interested:

    1. Thanks.

  2. That said, maybe Trump can make New England howl ...

  3. D'Souza is also known as The Big Liar.

  4. Thanks to the 1965 immigration act we must suffer third world mountebanks like Indian Dinesh D’Souza who’s been vending a cherr picked and falsified version of our history to the delight of the commie conservatives. However, Dinesh does deserve a little credit when he pointed out the fact that there were black slave owners in the South some of whom were quite brutal to their black slaves.

    1. Thanks and need to get him off the Tyrant's train.
