Monday, April 2, 2012

Is Secession Sedition?

Hell no and that is why my 3rd and 2nd great grandfathers fought wars against the establishment.

I have heard people tell me that they are afraid of secession because of what happened to the Confederate States of America. They have also heard that the act of secession is an act of sedition.

Well, is it or not?

The definition of the word “Sedition” is:

1. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
2. any action, especially in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
3. Archaic, rebellious disorder.

Looking at the first definition, we find “Incitement” means encouraging, stimulating or provoking to action. DumpDC certainly does all three of those through pointing out to readers the abject folly and criminal behavior of the Washington DC gang. We take comfort that we are fellow travelers with men like Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin and James Madison…all seditious writers of the mid-18th century. We qualify with definition number 2, since we write and speak to promote such discontent of rebellion. Number 3 doesn’t define us, since we are not archaic or disorderly.

But remember…sedition is not illegal. But if it was…should sedition cease? Did the Founders cease their rebellion against King George when their actions were deemed unlawful?

There is 18 USC 2384 (which is still law) that reads:

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