Monday, April 2, 2012

Treason from within

Via Survival

Many years ago in college, I took a required psychology class. One day we were told by our professor we had to divvy ourselves up into two groups for a particular project.

I don’t remember the nature of the project, but I am quite serious when I say it took us three class days to divide ourselves. Much of that time was spent discussing all the hidden hurt feelings and angst that come with being “chosen” into one group or another, reminiscent of the painful procedure of choosing sides for softball in gym class.

After one day of this ridiculous procedure I happen to glance at the professor, who had been largely silent after guiding us into this divvying process. He was watching us carefully, noting our emotions. Suddenly it was crystal clear to me: The end result (two groups) wasn’t important. It was the process of dividing us that he found psychologically fascinating.

So, naively, I pointed this out to the rest of the class: “Do you realize we’re being manipulated into endless discussions and painful emotions for what is, after all, a very simple procedure?”

The class stared at me as though I were nuts. No one believed me – they were too busy reveling in their woes and insecurities. My comment was dismissed as the endless discussions of painful emotions continued for another two class sessions. I didn’t utter another word during those days because I don’t like being manipulated.

Sure enough, after it was all over and the class had divided itself, the professor told us the two groups weren’t important; it was the process of dividing ourselves that was significant, and how did we all feel about it? Yadda yadda yadda …

This fascinating little exercise in group psychology is now being played out on a national scale right before our very eyes. We are being deliberately manipulated to behave, speak and act in certain ways. By withholding critical information or by emphasizing biased viewpoints, we are being jerked around like marionettes on strings, dancing to a tune long ago established by forces beyond our comprehension.

And those forces are dividing us as a nation. Make no mistake – the motto E pluribus unum – Out of many, one – is being superseded by a new motto: Ex unus, plures. Out of one, many. (My Latin may be faulty, sorry.)

We are being manipulated into violent emotions around such issues as:

  • Education. Parents who don’t remove their children from government-run indoctrination centers often witness their own offspring turning against the values they hold dear.

More @ WND

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