Friday, December 7, 2012

Piers Morgan: Loser

Via Battlefield USA



  1. Yup! "L" .... here's yer' sign!!

  2. Carol Roth is my hero of the day.

  3. Speaking of muskets, I believe it may have been a musket that Charlton Heston was holding in his "cold, dead, hands" photograph. And this morning's Denver Post sports page carries the report that West Virginia University has forbidden the "Mountaineer" from further hunting with the prop musket after he killed a bear with it. He maintains that previous holders of his role have killed many deer with the same gun.

    So, would the jerk Piers Morgan permit even the use of a musket for self-defense?

  4. West Virginia University has forbidden the "Mountaineer" from further hunting

    Thanks and I'll post that.
    would the jerk Piers Morgan permit even the use of a musket for self-defense?

    He doesn't need it, since he probably has an armed bodyguard.:) If liberals had a brain....... I'll give him an AK with one round and I'll take an 1852 Spencer and meet him at 50 yards, of course he wouldn't go for it.:)

  5. I've come to the conclusion that the only Brits who understand the Second Amendment, even a little, are the kind who show up on Top Shot, or the kind who get arrested for standing outside their homes with cricket bats during riots.

    It's sad to see how soft our cousins in the UK and Australia have gotten.

    1. Yes Dixie and I are listening to an audio book on the Pilgrims during our hour a day round-trip to her cosmetology class and the fights they had with the Indians were truly blood thirsty.
