Wednesday, September 2, 2015

EU migrant crisis: 'Schengen has now hit the buffers of the real world and is falling apart'

Via comment by Cav Med on Building the next Nazis

Image result for EU migrant crisis: 'Schengen has now hit the buffers of the real world and is falling apart' Nigel Farage, the UK Independent Party leader, told the Telegraph: "It is clear the Schengen Agreement is crumbling, as recent events are putting so much pressure on the political agreement.

"Schengen has now hit the buffers of the real world and is falling apart. In a crisis, national interests always prevail over European ideology."

Daniel Hannan, a British Conservative MEP, said: "The two pillars of European integration were Schengen and the euro. Both have now crumbled at the first crisis. I'm not asking the Euro-fanatics to apologise; I just want the rest of us to stop listening to them."


  1. Once again a link to a necessary
    must read:
    -Shocking moment desperate father throws himself, his wife and baby onto rail tracks in Hungary after realising their 'train to Austria' is actually taking them to a refugee camp-

    And this:

    Make no mistake, they are beginning to be processed
    for shipment and "resettlement" in America.
    And it will happen unopposed, as did the removal
    of the Battle Flag and pole in Charleston with
    absolutely no real resistance makes this clear.

    1. Thanks.
