Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Japanese And Americans

"The samurai used to bear arms always, for defense and to have a choice about their own future. They could die fighting, if they so wished, to avoid capture. An unarmed person, posing little threat to his would-be captors, has no such option.

........is an example of one of many situations in which having an option to fight and either prevail or, at least, choose the manner of your own death would be helpful. It would apply to freelance kidnappingas as well as to the offical kind. Bearing a sidearm doesn't guarantee safety but it does offer more control over own destiny than not doing so.

Unfortunately, the insistence of our government agencies that anyone entering their buildings be unarmed suggests that they know it and hate the concept. In short, anyone who wants another innocent person disarmed has to have ill intentions in mind. Same applies to people who insist that 'you don't need a gun, I am here to protect you': they are either outright predators or wish to make another forcibly dependent on them for safety."

Oleg Volk

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