Friday, November 5, 2010

Obama’s Early Years In New York?

The Weather Underground actually adopted a three-finger (fork) hand salute that commemorated the condition Susan Atkins left Sharon Tate’s body in (a fork stuck in her unborn baby). It’s been said that Bernadine Dorn originated the salute. It represented their desired fate for all “rich pigs.” Obama’s Early Years in New York Finally Revealed?

Via Washington Rebel

1 comment:

  1. Comment on Washington Rebel
    Rob says:
    November 5, 2010 at 8:59 pm


    "Thanks for putting this up. That link to the Dohrn/Ayers/0bama history is really something, isn’t it?

    In regards to that “Most of the liberals I have known” point, one thing which has occurred to me is the argument recently published about a “liberal gene.”

    One of the better periods of my life was spent as a pre-school teacher. Even having a baby didn’t prepare me for the insight that some kids have already chosen to project their problems onto other people at age 2. If toilet training is seen as a problem Mommy’s having, what other strategy would suggest itself beyond spending one’s life looking for support of the notion that It’s All About Me? (And who do you suppose chooses to start running for student council in grade school?)

    By the time adolescence arrives, the discovery is generally made that there is a world-view consonant with this position, which is of course victim-driven Leftism. Despite liberals’ almost universal presentation of their “opinions” as being hard-won and well thought out, I’m increasingly certain that some people are created without the capability of introspection – and if they’re raised that way, it just means that it’s true of their parents, and probably their parents (see my position on 0bama’s grandparents for a good example.) This is not to say, btw, that nurture has no influence; my own daughter was the epitome of insight and altruism before her mother taught her to be selfish and angry by example. I know of several middle-aged people who were born simply because their parents were so inspired by the example of my kid. I certainly take no responsibility for this; she came out of the womb just a shining light.

    It’s increasingly apparent, though, that Michael Savage got it in one when he described liberalism as a mental disorder. We can only hope that the “liberal gene” is a recessive one as we observe what may be the ultimate collapse of the world-wide Left."
