Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Oleg Volk

"TSA Tags. Would be funny if it wasn't sad.

I wonder if the fine, brave men and women serving the American public by violating travelers would ever feel sufficiently shamed to go home and slit their bellies with kitchen knives. I would even settle for them simply quitting the agency."
"They are worrying about the wrong people
TSA is trying to keep a list of people who act out at airports in response to being poorly treated. That's not a very smart approach: people who throw temper tantrums are doing so out of feeling of helplessness. The creatures with rubber gloves should worry more about those who smile, move along and make plans for the future. A snide comment or a kicked suitcase doesn't much matter, whereas a careful person determined to re-visit TSA employees away from the video cameras and ready access to the airport cops could just be the disincarnating agent of comeuppance. Few Americans capable of effective violence would actually employ it except in direct self-defense. Given the occasional lynching of plain child molesters, it would seem likely that the molesters under the color of the law would be equally harshly treated if only by a tiny fraction of the millions they annoy daily."
Achtung, TSA!
Funny coincidence

"Found this while searching for keyword "TSA". But it doesn't stand for our favorite friends of the people."

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