Wednesday, December 15, 2010

(ALA) BAMA Vodka: Best Tasting In The World?

"If an illegal immigrant happens to be of a racial or ethnic minority, which the vast majority of illegal immigrants are, that individual, as soon as legal status is granted, will be entitled to all the education, employment, job training, government contract, and other minority preferences that are written into our federal and state laws. As a result, the DREAM Act would not only put illegal immigrants on par with American citizens, but would in many cases put them ahead of most American citizens."
--Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

Quote via Rebellion
Welcome to BAMA Vodka

French made Grey Goose® claims that it is “the world’s best tasting vodka,” however, is this still the case now that Solomon Spirits has produced BAMA Smooth American Vodka? We invite you to taste both and decide for yourself. We are confident that consumers will overwhelmingly judge BAMA Vodka to be the best.

Via Billy

1 comment:

  1. If it is BAMA, it is the BEST! BAMA on the ROCKS, and ROLL TIDE ROLL!
