Thursday, December 9, 2010

Solution To Illegal Immigration

Or, as my cousin with 120 missions over North Vietnam as a Marine aviator suggested,
"Claymores covering the border would be both inexpensive and effective."


  1. Our Government, has allowed the invasion of 30 million criminals in direct violation of Article IV, Section IV of our Constitution. they force American tax payers to pay Billions to provide Welfare, Prison cells, Educate the invaders children, free medical care,massive document fraud, & are destroying our schools, hospitals, communities, culture while Robbing, Raping, Killing & Assaulting American Citizens WAKE UP PEOPLE!
    Every Non-representative including obama and holder need to be IMPEACHED! for not upholding the oath of office they swore to defend the Constitution! If these clowns were to do their job, this would all be a Moot point!
    Anchor babies and their criminal parents go, period, and cut the phony tears, you knew you were breaking the law when you crossed the border.

    Next shut down any business hiring illegal labor and confiscate all property belonging to the owner. Property will be sold at auction and the proceeds to pay for the massive deportation. Oh and owners go to jail.
    Got a better idea? Lets here it!

  2. I'll go for it. Just absolutely ridiculous that they can walk across the border and be accepted, when to come here legally takes about eleven years. Asinine.
