Saturday, January 1, 2011

Re: Sing “Dixie” Tonight After “Auld Lang Syne”
Sing “Dixie” Tonight After “Auld Lang Syne”


That was beautiful. Upon our return to the U.S. aboard the QM2 last year, we got up before dawn so we could see the Statue of Liberty the way our ancestors and immigrants saw her. There were hundreds of us on deck and not a dry eye on the ship.

After coming home, I had a dream one night and dreamed a poem that I was able to remember so I wrote it down the next morning. So heres to you!

Lady Liberty -- The Lady with the Lamp

"In the mists of early morning;
Dawn is breaking, seagulls calling;
Sailing into New York harbor,
America you welcome us home!

We seek the symbol of freedom!
The vision of an immigrants dream!
Then we see her torch glowing;
Lady Liberty, the lady with the lamp!

Let us remember our ancestors who
Fought to keep our Nation proud and strong!
And the men and women who now fight for us,
To keep us safe from harm!
As we sail past you, we salute you,
Lady Liberty, the lady with the lamp!

Brock here's a toast to you, Miz Dixie and all those who have gone before us! Happy New Year!


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