Saturday, January 22, 2011

Some Must-See Interviews From The 2010 HL Mencken Club

"There is no moral argument that justifies using the coercive powers of government to force one person to bear the expense of taking care of another. If that person is too resolute in his refusal to do so, what is the case for imposing fines, imprisonment or death? You say, 'Death! Aren't you exaggerating, Williams?' Say he tells the agents of Congress that he'll pay his share of the constitutionally mandated functions of government but refuse to pay the health costs of a sick obese person or a cyclist who becomes a vegetable, what do you think the likely course of events will be? First, he'd be threatened with fines, imprisonment or property confiscation. Refusal to give in to these government sanctions would ultimately lead to his being shot by the agents of Congress."
--Dr. Walter E. Williams
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Conservative Heritage Times
Derek Turner: Political Correctness is a Clown with a Knife

Paul Gottfried: How the Left Won the Cold War

Steve Sailer: What is HBD?

Peter Brimelow: How to Elect a New People

Henry Harpending: Race & Evolution

John Derbyshire: Optimistic Doomsayer

Srdja Trifkovic: Is PC Worse than Communism?

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