Just look at what collectivism is doing here, in OUR country! If ever a time existed that need American men to gather together to discipline themselves into a cohesive group to stop the onslaught that is ALREADY HERE and getting stronger by the day, it would be now.
Not since the War for Independence has our country seen such a multi-faceted assault on the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution! It's time for you, yes YOU, not the man to your left or right, but YOU to emulate their example!
Find a good group in your area NOW! Go through their vetting process. Get equipped. Get in shape. The time for 'dicking around' is over. Read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence again. UNDERSTAND what those documents MEAN! Turn off your television and put away the beer. You want 'reality'? Just look outside your comfort zone.
"They" are out there. Right now. Checking you out. Checking out how to kill you. What? That's right, "They" aren't coming just to be "in charge". They are coming to destroy you, me, and our entire way of life. "They" are coming now to take tactical advantage of YOUR softness!
Who, exactly, are "They"? "They" are the collectivist totalitarians disguising themselves in the many 'isms' of note. Jihadism, Progressivism, Fascism, Communism, Globalism. All with 'harmless' descriptions and innocent looks. They are promising "fundamental change". That 'change' is to totally obliterate the USA and all the freedoms guaranteed by our way of life.
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