Monday, March 28, 2011

First lady West Point commencement speaker

"I cannot in my worst dreams imagine Michelle Obama speaking to the graduating class of the United States Military Academy at West Point ! How much arm twisting went on to accomplish this? If anyone, it should have been the Commander in Chief who would speak to them. After all, he is the one that can send them into battle and to their deaths all too often. Or is it that he just can't face them, and so toss it to Michelle. Who knows?"

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First lady Michelle Obama will deliver commencement addresses at several U.S. colleges and high schools, including West Point, her office said.

Obama is scheduled to speak at University of Northern Iowa, Spelman College, the U.S. Military Academy and Quantico Middle High School -- institutions that share a commitment to service and have students actively involved in improving the world around them, Obama's office Friday said in a release.

Via Cousin Joel


  1. I am a firstie (graduating speaker) here at West Point. She is speaking at the graduation dinner the night before (

    For your information, the President spoke to last year's class. Every year he speaks to a different service academy's graduating class, so he is on a four year rotation (the other three being Navy, Airforce, and the Coast Guard Academy). I believe the Vice-President is speaking to us this year.

    This is just to clear up any confusion you might have. If you want, my email address is

    Thanks, and have a good day.


  3. She is NOT speaking at commencement. She is speaking at a banquet for cadets and families the night BEFORE graduation.
