Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Islamization of Europe: The Battle for Sweden and Will Sweden Act in Time?

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The Battle for Sweden

Part 2 of a Series

Mike Scruggs

In 2001, the politics of Denmark turned against the liberal immigration policies that threatened to bankrupt the Danish social welfare budget and destroy Danish culture and social cohesion. Denmark is one of the few countries in Europe to see a net decrease in its immigrant population in the last few years. However, the damage done by liberal immigration policies is not going to disappear overnight. In Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark, nearly 45 percent of first-grade students are Muslim, and that means that in ten years at least 45 percent of the 17-year-olds in Copenhagen will be Muslim. As in other European countries, most Muslim youth in Denmark do not want to assimilate to Danish culture, have little identification with Denmark, and do poorly in school. In various degrees, they are in a civilization Jihad with Denmark and the Danish people.

Only a narrow strait, the Oresund, separates the Danish island of Zealand (Sjaelland) and Copenhagen from the tip of Southern Sweden. A five-mile-long bridge, in fact, connects Copenhagen with Malmo, Sweden’s third largest city. Thus only a narrow strait divides Europe’s strongest convert to immigration sanity and a nation on the brink of cultural and political implosion because of immigration insanity.

The last time I visited Sweden was in 1986. At that time, it was still one of the most ethnically homogeneous states in Europe. There was remarkably little crime, and despite a heavy burden of taxation, Sweden was by and large a prosperous and happy country.

In 2010, the Muslim population of Sweden was 451,000, just over 5 percent of the total population of approximately 9.0 million. This is expected to double to nearly 10 percent by 2030. Only 81 percent of the population of Sweden is ethnically Swedish, but Finns and other Scandinavians constitute a large portion of the immigrant total of 14 percent. Sweden has an open-door immigration policy but has also swelled its immigrant population by taking in a greater number of political refugees than any country in Europe. Little scrutiny, however, has been exercised in screening refugees. In fact, since counting immigrants is politically incorrect in Sweden, there is a controversy over the total population of Sweden.

As elsewhere in Europe, Swedish Muslims and other third-world immigrants have been drawn to ghettoes or “enclaves.” These enclaves are exploding in Sweden. The most famous is Rosengard in Malmo. The population of Malmo is about 300,000, of which nearly 25 percent is Muslim. The population of Rosengard is about 30,000, possibly more. Of these more than 90 percent are Muslims from the Middle East, Albania, and former Yugoslav states. Rosengard is especially known for its high crime rate and high degree of Islamization. Many consider Rosengard to be a lawless area outside of de facto Swedish police jurisdiction. Except for contact with Swedish welfare offices, there is little contact with outside Swedish society. There is thus no need to learn Swedish or assimilate to Swedish society. Only about 20 percent of the men and less than 10 percent of the women in Rosengard have jobs. Rosengard is a virtual “no-go” zone for police, fire, and ambulance service without reinforced special police force deployment.

In 2009, Sweden hosted Israel in Malmo for the Davis Cup men’s tennis match. More than 6,000 anti-Jewish demonstrators filled the streets of Malmo. More than a thousand Swedish police, equipped with tanks, were required to keep them in check. Twelve additional Danish Police tanks were brought in to help. Swedish history professor Kristian Gerner called it the worst Jewish safety crisis in Sweden since World War II.

Swedish social anthropologist Aje Carlbom attributes Rosengard’s development as a social nightmare and Muslim enclave to low levels of immigrant education, massive immigration numbers from Muslim countries, and the fact that Swedish ideology ranks multiculturalism as “the highest of values.”

According to Norwegian immigration writer Hege Storbaug, “In enclaves like Rosengard, Islamists have firm control over the residents, and conditions are ripe for the spread of politicized Islam.” A series of articles in Aftonbladet in 2004 contained an admission by Malmo Police that they have little control over Rosengard and that brutal crime is ravaging the city. Public transport has been drastically reduced. Teachers have been savagely attacked, often by students. Rape has quadrupled in the last decade.

In the last 20 years, the number of Muslim enclaves in Sweden has increased from three to 136. Stockholm and Gothenburg now have neighborhoods much like Rosengard. Sweden is no longer a safe place, especially for women and children.

Sweden now has the highest number of rape crimes per capita in Europe with over 6,000 being reported in 2009. This is twice the rate of second place Britain and almost four times the rate for Germany and France. Just under one-third of the rapes in Sweden involved children under 15-years-old. Furthermore, The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention believes that only 10 to 20 percent of rapes are reported. Who are the main perpetrators? Sweden, of course, is too liberal to collect crime statistics by ethnicity, but a study by Dr. Ann Christine Hjelm of the districts of Stockholm and Uppsala found that 85 percent of the violent sex crimes were committed by criminals of foreign origin.

As in Denmark, Muslim immigration to Sweden is threatening to bankrupt Swedish welfare. Approximately 50 percent of social services outlays in Sweden are paid to non-Western immigrants.

So far Sweden has not abandoned its immigration insanity, but public dissatisfaction with Sweden’s liberal immigration policies helped defeat the Social Democrats in 2006 and 2010. Sweden must act soon to survive.


The Islamization of Europe

Will Sweden Act in Time?

Part 3 of a Series

Mike Scruggs

According to the conservative Brussels Journal, “Sweden is self-destructing at a pace that is probably unprecedented in history, but for the extreme Left, even this isn’t fast enough.” The battle for Sweden’s future is still in the balance, but two things are certain: Sweden has one of the most costly and socially destructive immigration problems in Europe, and Sweden’s Leftist parties are doing everything they can to make it worse. The worst-case scenario is the death of Sweden, when native Swedes will be a minority without rights in their own country—a future totalitarian nightmare.

When the Great Depression of the early 1930’s arrived in Sweden, there was naturally an increased desire in Swedish society for more material security. This proved a great political opportunity for the socialist parties in Sweden, and the Social Democratic Party was able to win control of the government in the 1932 elections. The Swedish Socialists had a long-range plan, which they executed astonishingly well. Their plan was first to dominate the media and then the educational establishment. By dominating such powerful means of influence they would be able to marginalize Christianity, which they considered divisive and ideologically and socially backward. Controlling government, media, and education, and marginalizing Biblical Christianity allowed them to reshape Swedish society into the humanist, socialist society of their ideological dreams.

The Social Democratic Party was able to stay in power for 44 years, until 1976. They regained power in 1982 and kept it until 1991. They regained it again in 1995 and kept it until 2006.Thus they have had an enormous impact on Swedish society. Fortunately, a center-right alliance narrowly defeated the leftist parties in 2006. Public dissatisfaction with Sweden’s self-inflicted immigration problems was one of the silent deciding issues. The 2010 election tilted further to the right with the independent nationalist Sweden Democrats (SD) going from zero to 20 votes in the 349-seat Riksdag (parliament).

During the election, Sweden Democrat (SD) leader Jimmie Akesson stated that the SD wished to cut political assylum and family reunification immigration by 90 percent. In the Social Democrat newspaper Aftonbladet, He wrote that the growth of the country's Muslim population “is the greatest foreign threat to Sweden since the Second World War.”

However, both the Center-Right Alliance (Moderate, Liberal, and Center parties) and the “Red-Green” Coalition (Social Democrats and the radical social and environmentalist Greens) pledged not to seek SD support and have tried to distance themselves from “xenophobic” issues. Moderate Party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt, was, however, reelected Prime Minister.

The Center-Right Aliance got 49.3 percent of the vote and 173 seats in parliament, while the Red-Greens fell to 43.6 percent of the vote and 156 seats in parliament. Sweden Democrats got 5.7 percent of the popular vote and 20 seats in parliament. They gained these votes eventhough they were excluded from TV debates, had several of their political meetings broken up by violent demonstrators, and had several party members assaulted. One criticism of SD was that they had some Nazi’s associated with the party in the 1970s, but there are none now.

Sweden has two serious political obstacles to survival. Since 1932, the Left has continued its dominance of the media and educational spheres of influence in Sweden and still strongly influences the remaining religious spheres of influence. In addition, the so-called Center-Right Alliance will not even officially acknowledge that out-of-control immigration and a large and fast-growing anti-Swedish Muslim population are serious problems. Only the small SD Party is speaking out on the issues. Yet opinion polls indicate that two out of three Swedes doubt whether Islam can be combined with Swedish society

Another huge problem in getting people to come to grips with Sweden’s nation-threatening immigration problems is that for any subject touching on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and a growing list of other sensitive issues, there is no free speech. Dahn Pettersson, a Swedish local politician was fined 18,000 kronor ($2,955) for writing that 95 percent of all heroin brought into Sweden comes via Albanians from Kosovo. Yet this is an indisputable fact. A Brussels Journal immigration critic recently remarked that on many important social issues, there is more free speech in North Korea than in Sweden.

Prime Minister Reinfeldt at least realizes that immigration is causing a serious threat to the Swedish welfare state. Each non-Western immigrant costs the Swedish economy a net loss of 170,000 Kronor ($27,920) over their lifetime or stay in Sweden. Non-Western immigrants use 50 percent of the Swedish welfare budget. You cannot have a welfare state and open-door immigration for long. The clock is ticking away on Sweden’s economic or social collapse. Yet Reinfeldt is getting little cooperation, even in his own party, to start making changes to save the country. The Rikstag consensus is that doing something to halt the Islamization of Sweden is un-liberal and therefore evil. I don’t know how they reconcile Islam’s anti-Jewish teachings and violence with making anti-Nazism a moral fetish. Islam and Nazism are likeminded on this issue. Criticism of Islam is hate speech in Sweden, but violence against Jews, Christians, and other Swedes by Muslims is swept under the rug.

The wave of robberies and muggings in and near Muslim enclaves is something most Swedish politicians will not talk about. No one in the Riksdag, save a few brave members of the ostracized SD Party, seems to notice the victims. They do not notice that Swedes are fleeing from cities like Malmo. Where is their concern that Sweden now has the highest sex-crime rate in Europe—6,000 rapes in 2009—and one third of the victims are children? Where is their concern that Sweden is no longer a safe place?

There is a battle for Sweden, but time is running out for the Swedish people to win. The Riksdag is a long way from the discernment and courage necessary for Sweden’s survival.

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