Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Great post exculpating the supposed evil of capitalism


Capitalism is the social system based on the rights and freedom of the individual, including the right of private property for everyone as a matter of principle. Such a system of freedom necessarily requires that property by privately owned. Without private property rights there are no rights possible. Jenn and Travis are counting on that.

America was the first country to be based systematically on individual rights, which led to unprecedented improvement in the standard of living. Jenn and Travis are also counting on that for all the technology they are using and can return to it when they choose to abandon the impractical and inefficient uses they are experimenting with now. Without it they would be locked into the true poverty that used to be the norm for everyone.

The Constitution did not have to "mention capitalism". The term was not in common use then. The Constitution was devised to protect the rights of the individual by limiting the power of government, in contrast to the left's progressively accumulating government power at the expense of our rights. Individual freedom under the Constitution made our prosperity possible.

The government did not "give" land away 100 years ago; it allowed for the claiming of unowned land in an orderly manner. That was stopped at the beginning of the Progressive era when the unowned land in a large portion of the country, primarily the west, was put under permanent, socialist control of the government.

A system based on private property rights is in contrast to feudalism and the various forms of tribalism and collectivism, including viro eco-socialism. If the viros succeed in replacing private property rights with their park and wilderness Greenline land use prohibitions, what Jenn and Travis are doing will not be possible. Their experiment counts on their right to buy and own the land they wanted.

And this brings up the hypocrisy of the left in drooling over "homesteading" for politically correct minimalist living on previously undeveloped woods while denouncing the rest of us for "sprawl".

ewv Yesterday 12:52 PM in reply to Treehugger9

Above in response to the post below concerning »

People have been owning land and living on it long before capitalism was ever "invented" as an economic system. Private property is a legal concept written in the laws in this country based on the US constitution and state laws which makes no mention of capitalism anywhere in the text. The idea of private property goes back to English law, the Magna Carta, etc etc.

Some people inherit land, some barter for it, some give it away to others, other were given free land by the US government a 100 years ago.

You don't understand what captalism is.

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