Saturday, July 30, 2011

Issa: Newell a “paid non-answerer”

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars
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"You can play semantics all you want. Very clearly, four agents all knew what was being done was gun walking while the agents involved tried to defend that this wasn’t technically gun walking, but the guns walked and people died."

White House has not cooperated “in any way, shape or form.”

" Eric Holder has been very good at dividing words."
These hearings cannot be good for the Obama administration, and testimony that appears to be less-than-candid is giving rise to a variety of conspiracy theories, the most plausible being that this gun trafficking operation allowed guns to deliberately walk in an effort to “pad the numbers” of recovered firearms at Mexican crime scenes that could be traced back to United States origin. As the theory goes, this would enable the Obama administration and anti-gunners on Capitol Hill to push for more gun control and a renewal of the ban on so-called “assault weapons.”


  1. The current administration is corrupt. Everyone knows it. It gets worse everyday. Lets quit beating around the bush and impeach. End this nightmare.

  2. May outdo Grant's administration, me thinks.
