Sunday, August 21, 2011

Black vs. Yellow

Via omniabona


Both the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal have stories about the recent basketball brawl between Georgetown and a Chinese team playing in China. In all of their semi-learned analysis of the fight, the words "race", "black", and "African-American" make no appearance whatsoever. (Though obviously, "Chinese" does.) Take a look at the photo above, and tell yourself that the races of the participants aren't relevant to a story about a fight between two sports teams. That the words I noted aren't mentioned is testimony to the Orwellian unreality that the media tries to pass off as truth.

The media is only interested in race when it can blame white people for something, and in this case that wasn't possible. If the team opposing Georgetown had been all or mainly white, you can bet that charges of racism against that team would be flying. Regardless of who threw the first punch - a commenter on this blog thought it was a Georgetown player, but I couldn't see that on the video - it isn't terribly hard to imagine that the Chinese were more than happy to fight a black team, and in fact since PC has very little purchase in China, they would have had less incentive to pull their punches than a white team would. But the media won't say that. Only whites can be racist.

Besides all that, college sports have corrupted higher education through their lowering of standards, addiction to the money they bring in, and the diversion from the real purpose of universities.


  1. "Besides all that, college sports have corrupted higher education through their lowering of standards, addiction to the money they bring in, and the diversion from the real purpose of universities."



    Good post!

  2. Brock, I don't think the fight started by accident. Nothing in China happens by accident... The Chinese team was their ARMY basketball team, eg these guys are trained soldiers.
    The GT coach, John Thompson's son got the whole team out of there and onto a bus, I think they were tied or the score was close.
    Whether or not it was a racial thing is debatable, it could be more of China wanting to flex it's muscle over a greatly economically weakened superpower for bragging rights if nothing else.


  3. May well be, Anita. Lord knows, I'm not surprised by anything these days!:) By the way, did you notice that we are side by side on DOUBLETAPPER?

  4. Nobody more racist than Chinese.
    They say their lack of body-hair proves they're more evolved than Europeans, and you REALLY don't want to know what they say about blacks.

    Also missed the better pic - with the GT player on the floor being stomped and kicked by the
