Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dear Congressman Gingrey,

Via Don

I have been waiting for the form letter explaining your treachery in the Debt debate, but it appears you are too cowardly to even send that out these days. My how times have changed since you went to Congress to “help” us out… and my god you have done that; You and the others infesting the Nation’s Capital have helped us out of jobs, helped us out of our world standing, helped the Leftists empty the treasury, and helped us out of our Constitution and our Republic… So please stop the “help”.
The GOP (including you) were given a very powerful and specific mandate when we returned the House to your control, your main job was to cut spending and shrink government! BUT as usual you and the GOP just pissed away the opportunity to bring this country back in line and save the economy. Even worse, you have abdicated your own standing as a Congressman by giving an UNCONSTITUTIONAL group of men the Congress’s authority in this matter… Is there no honor left among our statesmen? If you ask me; but for a very few, No There Is Not!
You are now in the same category as Isakson and Chambliss (RINO’s and/or self-serving), and you will be treated as such. I have made it my life’s goal to assist in removing their sorry asses from office… and you have just joined that list for violating your Oath of Office. Our country is in dire straits, and we will almost surely have another economic collapse do to YOUR help in supporting the actions of the Leftists/RINOs dragging this nation into the gutter, hope you like your new friends.
You were warned by “the People” numerous times to get this spending under control, but instead you used smoke and mirrors to do absolutely nothing to stop this fiscal train wreck. I am a man who firmly believes that “politicians”, such as yourself, will soon reap what they so justly deserve… a trip to the unemployment offices to join the 15-20 MILLION Americans searching for work in the economy that YOU helped to destroy. Although, since most of you pilferers have made millions of dollars selling your souls, it may take awhile for you to get there.

As usual, I will be keeping Family, Friends, and Acquaintances up to date on your actions.

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