Friday, August 12, 2011

"Judson Phillips – Just Another Paul Hater"



Posted under Conservatism & Interventionism & Ron Paul & TEA Parties

Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation gives us his take on the winners and losers of last night’s debate. (You have to sign up for Tea Party Nation, a social networking site, to see it.) He uses the oportunity to takes some shots at Ron Paul, who he clearly doesn’t like and likely doesn’t understand. Here are some excerpts. My thoughts follow.

Ron Paul. It is hard to lump Ron Paul as a winner or a loser. He did his usual ranting around the stage, like a demented old uncle, talking about militarism and war mongering. He basically said no other nation is a threat to America. He is nuts but he has his following. It does not matter what Ron Paul would say, they would be there to stuff a straw poll for him.

The references to mental illness or dementia or whatever are really getting tired. Perhaps Paul’s critics would actually like to make an intelligent argument instead of resorting to name calling like some playground bully. Paul’s critics need to grow up.

As far as other nations being a threat to America, perhaps Mr. Phillips (no relation as far as I know) could enlighten us with some plausible scenarios whereby America is invaded or otherwise attacked by another nation. Is Russian planning to paratroop in Red Dawn style? Does Canada have its eye on Maine? I anxiously await his reply.

Ron Paul will win the straw poll, as winning straw polls is the only thing Ron Paul does well. By winning the straw poll he will pretty much invalidate it.

Oh really? Well isn’t that convenient? (Said in my best Church Lady imitation.) Phillips has apparently been reading George Will. If you don’t like the results, just dismiss them.

These sort of hand waving dismissals of Paul and his supporters are so 2007. The playing field has changed since then. A lot of people have converted to Paulism and even those who haven’t have been exposed to it enough to realize that it is a substantial position and not just lone eccentricity or flakery. Those who are at all informed, whether they agree or not, understand that the Fed, Gold, Constitutionalism, non-intervention, etc. are all part of an integrated whole. So dismissive unsubstantial rant’s like Phillips’ amount to whistling past the grave yard and cater to the lowest element (those who just don’t get it instead of those who know enough to disagree intelligently) and/or are just mean spirited.

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