Monday, August 8, 2011

The Radical Cop looks at Oathkeepers


If you meant what you said when stating your Oath of Office then you could be viewed as an extremist.

“The end of law is, not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is not law there is no freedom.” - John Locke

Brakes Rotors

Last week I sat in a local auto shop getting my brakes fixed when I saw that all to familiar “Ranger Tab” on a business card hanging on the wall. It was next to the Lords Prayer, and other patriotic memorabilia. Being a veteran my eyes immediately notice “army stuff” no matter where I find myself. The owner, in his late-50’s, still wears his former Navy rank insignia (Petty Officer Second Class) on his work cap. Without saying a word, except, “You owe us $178.00,” he expressed non-verbally that he is a Proud American, devoted Christian, Vet, and law-abiding citizen. Who wouldn’t love this guy as a neighbor?

Before leaving I took closer inspection of the “Ranger Tab” and noticed it never said “RANGER”, which is what I always knew the tab to say, but instead said “OATH KEEPERS” along with the website underneath of - “huh?” My interest was peaked.

Antenna’s Up


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