Sunday, September 11, 2011

University of Texas Poll: Public Awakens to WTC Building 7 Hoax


  1. Do you believe this "controlled demolition" bit?

    There's PLENTY about the while mess that stinks to high heaven. I KNOW TPTB wouldn't hesitate to lie to further some goal. Personally, I think they could have stopped it but let it happen, & it turned out much worse than expected. I don't think they expected the buildings to fall...


    "controlled demolition"? It's IMPOSSIBLE! IF you've ever seen what has to be done to a building to prep for a CD, it's impossible that they could have done all that without people seeing.

    The bit about the BBC chick saying it collapsed it's also idiotic. They don't see what's on green-screen behind them, she was told it was collapsing, imminent, & misspoke, or there was a lag in the vid on the green-screen (most likely)... Just think: in this supposed"grand conspiracy", what purpose would be served by having an entire BBC news crew "in on it"?

    All this crap it's, imho, is disinfo, only serves to keep REAL, LEGITIMATE questions from being granted credibility!

  2. All this crap it's, imho, is disinfo, only serves to keep REAL, LEGITIMATE questions from being granted credibility!

    Good point.

  3. This is why I said I don't care for Jones...

    He comes up with just enough REAL to keep SOME credibility, but otherwise smells like a COINTELPRO op...
