Sunday, September 25, 2011

Obama The Divider

My biggest complaint about Barack Obama is that he seeks at all times to divide us. This is not done secretly, where grudges are exercised through back channels, but openly and with the quiet acceptance of the press. Whether it is black versus white, rich versus poor, union versus non-union or government versus the private sector, there is always division and pitting one group against another.

Obama never has lost his instincts toward community organizing. The whole purpose of such a person is to stir the pot, raise protesters and lay blame on one's political enemies. The trouble is his success is linked in his mind with this sort of behavior. He does not possess the congeniality of a traditional president. He is a grudge president intent on damaging the enemies he cannot obliterate.

I am disappointed in this aspect of his character. It is one thing to act with petulance as a senator or union leader, it is quite another to use the power of the presidency to attack and badger whole sectors of the population simply because of the color of their skin, or the success they have had in life.

I know that we have had racist presidents before. I know that we have had vindictive, powerful men in that role, but generally their actions were quietly carried out against particular individuals, not whole races of people. They have never, as far as I know, openly called for the support of whites specifically the way Barack Obama has called for the minorities to become activists for his cause. This is cynical and destructive to the union.


  1. Can't really expect any less from this Communist/Marxist/Muslim/Satanist.


  2. Oh yeah, I forgot one.....Racist.


  3. Oh, yeah, that should always be first.:)
