Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Behind The Dixie Stars

Via The Battle of Atlanta

7 minute Documentary featuring Nelson W. Winbush, a black son of Confederate black soldier Luis Napoleon Nelson who fought under Nathan Bedford Forest, founder of the KKK. A series of interviews, documentation, stock footage, and reenactments all collaberate to help defend the Confederacy and it's soldiers against it's notorious reputation in regards to black slavery and what the Confederate flag actually stood for.


  1. Civilized, educated people all know that sainted Abraham Lincoln only responded to southern aggression and allowed the Civil War because he loved black people and wanted to end slavery, and the rebels all fought to preserve slavery so they could continue beating, starving and otherwise abusing the poor slaves. They also know that only racist, inbred, crackers love the confederate flag because it's a symbol of their favorite club - the KKK.

    It's like another racist, inbred cracker (Samuel Clemens - AKA "Mark Twain") said: “It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.”


    I'm no longer amazed by the ignorance - now I'm only amazed that anyone's managed to get past all the propaganda and grasp anything CLOSE to the truth!

    In short, secession==slavery is CRITICAL to their continued survival!

    Otherwise, they'd be forced to debate the actual ISSUES with neo-secessionists - which we all know they cannot do!

    Currently trapped behind enemy lines, I don't DARE fly it, but cannot WAIT until I'm able to move where I belong!

  2. Civilized, educated people all know that sainted Abraham Lincoln only responded to southern aggression and allowed the Civil War because he loved black people and wanted to end slavery, and the rebels all fought to preserve slavery so they could continue beating, starving and otherwise abusing the poor slaves. They also know that only racist, inbred, crackers love the confederate flag because it's a symbol of their favorite club - the KKK.

    Damn, I'm glad you straightened me out!:)

  3. You know... It's HARD to defend The South, especially behind enemy lines where I am, where everyone truly believes the version I sarcastically posted above.

    It's made even harder by the fact of slavery - which proves (hack-spit) Lincoln's GENIUS to this day! Even when presented with PROOF - the text of the so-called "emancipation proclamation" and its date - they STILL can't get past the "CW was over slavery" lie...

    Let's be clear: Slavery was (and IS) ABHORRENT. If someone tried to enslave me or mine I would kill them or die trying. That it WAS abhorrent SHOULD BE obvious as to not need saying, but I find I MUST say it anyway - all the time!

    This is - IMHO - the worst, biggest problem, which ultimately defeated the south. Had they said "we're going to give up our slaves but we STILL will not submit to Union Tyranny" I think they might have actually WON!

    Even so - my response to those who insist it was all over slavery is both simple and effective:

    "Why didn't Lincoln simply offer to *BUY* the slaves and set them free?!"

    Fair market value could have EASILY been paid for every slave in the Republic, and STILL saved money vs. the costs of the war - not to mention the million or so TOTAL lives lost!

    This proves it WASN'T about slavery, but about CONTROL.


  4. Not to mention that Lincoln was in favor of the original 13th amendment.
