Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Case for Men

I am a mom. I am my son's teacher. I teach him responsibility, work ethic and compassion. I teach him the value of a dollar, how to put others before himself and how to respect his elders. But there is one thing I cannot teach my son. I cannot teach him how to be a man.

We live in a world that has ceased to value men. They are a throwaway commodity - a necessary evil. Men are viewed as little more than overgrown children, seeking their own gratification, rather than the providers and protectors that God created them to be.

Over the past couple of weeks, as Sir Knight has battled illness, I have come to realize the true value of a man. Men provide. Men protect. Men leave the home so that their wife can make the home. Men do the hard, dirty, undesirable jobs so their wives' don't have to. Men provide an infrastructure of support so that women can tend to the business of family. Men do the jobs of men so that women can do the jobs of women.

Whooping Cough could have threatened the perfect balance of our family had my husband not been about the business of teaching our son to be a man. The reality is that it is much easier to do things yourself rather than teaching your children. Changing the oil in the generator is quick when you are working by yourself, but can be more than a little time consuming when you are teaching your son. It takes twice the time to troubleshoot an electrical system when your son is working and learning by your side, as you show him how to read a schematic and splice wires. But, when a crisis arises (and it will) your investment will be handsomely rewarded.

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