Sunday, October 23, 2011

Grandaddy's Gun

Good mornin' Friend Brock...............................................................I was sittin' here listening to music as I always do in the mornings before I get into work mode, looking around the war room as Pam calls our dining room, SCV , computer area.......My eyes fixed on Grandpa's ole Sears and Roebuck shotgun hangin' on the wall, and just out of the blue, this song popped up in rotation on this song mix I had mashed was too good not to share. I can't be the only person with memories that are mentioned in the lyrics, thus my reason for sharing it with you. Hope your day is a good one, my best to you and the family.


  1. Preciate you sharin' the song with your blog readers. I hope someone else enjoys it. I think it is a damn fine song and wish I'd written it.
