Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Kill them"

What Would The Founders Think?
Houston, we have a problem! Having spent the morning watching videos from various occupied localities around the country I realized its dimensions.

There they are, as other commentators have pointed out, with their iPads, laptops and digital cameras, cursing corporations. They don’t even comprehend the contradiction. One young man stated that rich capitalists should give their money to the more deserving. “But what,” asked the reporter, “will you do if they refuse?” The answer, with a laugh and a shrug was, “Kill them.” The young man intended his answer to be taken as a joke, but his expression and discomfort belied his words.

Many, if not all, the young occupiers graduated from the tax supported public education system. They attended, or are attending, universities on federal loans. Their socialist/Marxist sympathies are the culmination of years of what is loosely called education. When asked to explain their positions, they resort to four letter words or turn away in anger. They have learned the talking points, but not much else.

This is what happens when the producers of the nation’s prosperity cede the institutions that educate their young to leftists. Now the damage is done. These same young people are voters. No doubt, some will eventually realize what they have been taught is false. However, the nation is at a crossroads. There is no time to wait.

So what is to be done? This is not China or North Korea. We cannot send benighted youth to reeducation camps. We can’t round them up and deport them.

Our course of action is restrained by the very system that we struggle to safeguard. The self-described revolutionists behave badly and claim the protection of the Constitution they would destroy.

I have a modest proposal. Let us establish a fund to provide the occupiers with (one-way) tickets to the Communist paradise of their choice. They could take their ipads and their lap tops with them. (Although it is doubtful they would be allowed to keep them.) The only condition would be that if, having experienced the nirvana they so earnestly desire, they yearn to return to the land they cursed and whose flag they trampled, they would have to pay their own way back.

But as to my self, having been wearied out for many Years with offering vain, idle, visionary thoughts, and at length utterly despairing of Success, I fortunately fell upon this Proposal, which as it is wholly new, so it hath something Solid and Real, of no Expence and little Trouble, full in our own Power…

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